Since the early 1980s, the 9th Pennsylvania Reserves has been a living history reenactment unit portraying a Union infantry regiment of the American Civil War. The 9th is comprised of individuals who have a great interest in our Civil War and want to broaden their knowledge of soldier life through reenacting. Every effort is made to present a historically accurate impression, with uniforms and equipment mainly authentic reproductions. An integral part of the 9th Pennsylvania Reserves is the Civilian Committee. Members participate in battle reenactments, parades, living history, honor guards, and other events which honor our American Heritage. Many members also enjoy speaking at local schools and to community groups to make history “come alive.”
The unit holds monthly meetings in the Pittsburgh area during the fall and winter seasons. Due to heavy campaigning in the spring and summer months, meetings are frequently held at events. New members receive military training both at meetings and at reenactment events.
Although we portray a well-drilled military organization, our focus is to have fun in reenacting. The 9th Pennsylvania Reserves provides an environment for developing camaraderie among its members, and many exciting experiences in the field.
The “Fighting Ninth” is looking for good men and women who want to share in this unique experience. Join up today for the experience of a lifetime!